Wednesday, November 25, 2009


okay so tomorrow is thanksgiving and blah blah blah. We are all thankfull for something right! Well I love black friday. I love the turkey too but the truth is I am just in it for the shopping! I start at around 3:30am and am done around 10am. I love to go for the good deals but also cause it is always so funny to see who comes out for the fun!!! There is always everything from the person in the pajamas that don't match and probably have not seen the washing machine in at least the past 2 months, and next to her is the girl who had to stay up all night so her hair and makeup wouldn't get messed up for the shopping experience! You know the one i'm talking about... she has big bumped up hair that she wears like a helmet cause when her head moves here hair doesnt, and the makeup that you have on soo thick you can't touch your face or it leaves a divit! Yeah! I love it. I love the people who are in line to check out and see something you have in your hands and ask what it is and where you got it and if there were still some left... then they run off to get one! They didn't even want it till they saw you had one! I find myself laughing outloud sometimes. And then there are the women having a full out brawl over who gets the last of that bike that was on sale at the wal mart! I love those 2 because they get a big enough crowd and the checkout lines get shorter!!! Tee hee hee. But here is the truth. I just like to go and see what I can get and for how much. It is just fun. So here is to all those who enjoy black friday as much as me!

1 comment:

The Jackson's said...

Hey Shaunna,
I just noticed you had a blog so I am checking it out! Here is mine if you have time and are interested...